1 CDS 3.9.0 Update

The major CDS 3.9.0 release will take place between 21.30 on Saturday 14 January and 04.00 on Sunday 15 January. During this period of planned downtime, you will be unable to use CDS and we would urge you to avoid making declarations if possible. during this time.

CDS 3.9.0
HMRC has advised that, from Sunday 15 January 2023, a validation rule is being added to CDS which means that a trader who completes their own customs declaration (self-representation), rather than using a Customs Broker, will need to make sure that the following Data Elements are completed in order to avoid the declaration being rejected.

Import Declarations
Where the Representative Status code in Data Element 3/21 is not declared (left blank) then Data Element 2/2 must include Additional Information (AI) Statement code 00500 with Statement text “Importer”

Export Declarations
Where the Representative Status code in Data Element 3/21 is not declared (left blank) then Data Element 2/2 must include Additional Information (AI) Statement code 00400 with Statement text “Exporter”


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